Saturday, June 20, 2015

Firefighters from the 114th Civil Engineer Squadron simulates Major Accident Response. SIOUX FALLS, SD

Firefighters from the 114th Civil Engineer Squadron simulate extinguishing a fire during the Major Accident Response Exercise June 18, 2015, Sioux Falls, S.D. The MARE involved the National Guard, local law enforcement, firefighters, emergency medical technicians and the airport authority and is a three-year requirement of the Federal Aviation Administration. (National Guard photo by Senior Airman Duane Duimstra)

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. - Firefighters from the 114th Civil Engineer Squadron participated in live fire training May 5-7 at Volk Field, Wisconsin. The live fire training gives the firefighters the opportunity to learn and gain valuable experience they normally wouldn't receive during the monthly unit training assembly. 

 "We normally focus on speed but we are here to hone our base skill sets," said Senior Master Sgt. Tom Krier, 114th Fighter Wing fire chief. 

 The firefighters used a simulated C-130 Hercules as their main training tool where different fire scenarios can be practiced.

 "The C-130 is started on fire in different areas by using propane that is controlled from the control tower," said Krier. "It gets so hot in there that we also have sprinklers running the whole time." 

 During the training, the firefighters focused on how to properly extinguish engine, cockpit, cargo bay, and exterior fires using a fire truck, fire hose, and a combination of both. The training also instilled the importance of teamwork and trust for your fellow firefighter. 

 "Building that camaraderie is more important to us than just jumping into a fire playing hero," said Senior Airman Travis Huft, 114th FW firefighter.

 The 114th FW firefighters will continue to travel to Volk Field as part of their annual training to learn and refresh their skills.

 "We train constantly to be able to perform our mission," said Krier.

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