Staff Sgt. Kyle Moore, 188th Fire Emergency Services Flight firefighter, sprays Senior Airman William Fine, 188th Emergency Management journeyman, with water to simulate the decontamination process of a hazardous materials response. Firefighters and emergency management personnel are trained to respond to HAZMAT incidents or other emergency situations on base. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. John Suleski/Released)

Senior Airman Kennan Wallace, 188th Emergency Management journeyman, receives help from his emergency management teammates in donning his hazardous materials level-A suit during June Unit Training Assembly on Ebbing Air National Guard Base, Fort Smith, Ark. Emergency managers can utilize hazardous materials level-A suits to respond to hazardous or toxic materials spills and go through rigorous training to become certified in their respective career fields. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. John Suleski/Released)

Senior Airman Keenan Wallace, 188th Emergency Management journeyman, dons a gas mask as part of his protective gear during June Unit Training Assembly on Ebbing Air National Guard Base, Fort Smith, Ark. Air Force emergency managers are trained in a wide array of specialties including hazardous materials operations, natural disaster response and nuclear, chemical and biological warfare training. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. John Suleski/Released)
Photos by
Staff Sgt. John Suleski