U.S. Marine
Corps Base Camp Pendleton Fire Department firefighters set up a Hazardous
Material decontamination area during Exercise Semper Durus at Camp Pendleton,
Calif., June 15, 2015. Exercise Semper Durus is a regional command exercise
comprised of field training scenarios designed to improve regional command and
control, enhance interagency coordination, and improve installation
capabilities to respond to, and recover from, a crisis event. Semper Durus also
provides a scenario-based opportunity to validate the installation mission
assurance all-hazard plan. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Ismael E. Ortega,
MCIWEST-MCB CamPen Combat/Released)
test the area for smallpox during an outbreak scenario as part of Exercise
Semper Durus at Camp Pendleton, Calif., June 15, 2015. (U.S. Marine Corps photo
by Cpl. Ismael E. Ortega, MCIWEST-MCB CamPen Combat/Released)
are briefed on smallpox outbreak scenario. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl.
Ismael E. Ortega, MCIWEST-MCB CamPen Combat/Released)
don their individual Nuclear, Biological, Chemical suits. (U.S. Marine Corps
photo by Cpl. Ismael E. Ortega, MCIWEST-MCB CamPen Combat/Released)