Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Fort Knox couple finds solace in helping others through PTSD

Story by Eric Pilgrim May 04, 2021 at 11:56AM Post-traumatic stress disorder can be a tricky thing. For 1st Lt. Lynn “Buck” Compton in the seventh episode of the TV miniseries Band of Brothers, almost nonstop aerial bombing on their position for several days near the end of the war led him to snap, losing it. Suffering from what was known then as war fatigue, he had to be removed from the battlefield and sent home. His commanding officer at the time, Maj. Dick Winters, would later say that the constant stress of war had led to Compton’s and others’ breaking points. Some of the Soldiers of Easy Company would suffer from PTSD several years after. For Fort Knox fire inspector Larry McGuire, PTSD crept up on him subtly beginning in 2003, a little over a year into his Air Force career as a firefighter.
Fort Knox couple finds solace in helping others through PTSD [Image 5 of 5]

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