Sunday, April 30, 2023

Joint hoist training keeps Guardsmen, Boise Fire Department rescue team ready for the call

Story by Master Sgt. Becky Vanshur April 30, 2023 at 03:38PM The same training that Idaho Army National Guard citizen-Soldiers complete to be ready to fight and win our nation’s wars also makes the Guardsmen a valuable asset in their local communities when called upon to support domestic operations in times of emergencies. The Idaho Army National Guard's State Aviation Group and the Boise Fire Department’s Swiftwater/Dive Team partnered up for hoist rescue training, April 26 and 28, at Gowen Field to be trained and ready for the call. The training is designed to allow the Swiftwater/Dive Rescue Team to become familiar with an aircraft's hoist while wearing their river rescue gear. Firefighters trained on both the UH-60 Black Hawk and the UH-72A Lakota.
Joint hoist training keeps Guardsmen, Boise Fire Department rescue team ready for the call [Image 43 of 43]

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