Story by Tech. Sgt. Izabella Workman
92nd Air Refueling Wing
Airmen assigned to the 92nd Air Refueling Wing conducted a Major Accident Response Exercise at Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington, May 22-23, 2024, in preparation for the upcoming SkyFest 2024 air show, June 22-23, 2024.
The 92nd ARW worked alongside partnering agencies from the community including local law enforcement, fire departments, American Medical Response ambulances, and Deaconess and Sacred Heart Hospitals.
“The goal for the MARE is to ensure on-base agencies and off-base agencies work as a team to support each other to save lives should a mass casualty incident happen during an [air show],” said Brian Baldwin, 92nd ARW exercise planning program manager.
All Air Force bases are required to conduct a MARE prior to hosting an air show to prepare for the “worst case scenario.” These exercises simulate several possible scenarios that would prompt Airmen and civilian partner agencies to react and gain control of situations in the unlikely event an incident occurs during the air show.
“My job, and the fire department’s job, during the MARE and airs how is to safely and efficiently mitigate any emergency that comes our way,” said Justin Luzier, 92nd Civil Engineer Squadron deputy fire chief.
During the MARE, on and off-base agencies responded to two simulated aircraft crashes and multiple injuries.
“We worked with four local departments that responded to the simulated off-base aircraft crash,” said Luzier. “Our local ambulance service helped treat and transport the artificially wounded personnel from the on-base aircraft crash exercise.”
By participating in the MARE, Airmen honed key communication skills and actions necessary to respond to an emergency and ensure the safety of base and community personnel.
For more information about SkyFest 2024 Airshow and Open House, visit https://www.fairchild.af.mil/skyfest-2024/ or contact the Fairchild Public Affairs office at (509) 247-5705.