Thursday, April 18, 2024

Eglin Air Force Base FL 96th LRS unveils new fire truck maintenance facility


96th LRS unveils new fire truck maintenance facility 

Published April 17, 2024

EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- The 96th Logistics Readiness Squadron Vehicle Management Flight held a ribbon-cutting ceremony recently to mark the opening of its new fire truck maintenance facility in Bldg. 1331.

The move to their new facility solved long-standing operational challenges the flight faced by repurposing a building that provides three spacious maintenance bays and minimizes environmental hazards versus waiting for a new facility to be built.

"This [move] marks a significant milestone," said Tech. Sgt. Caitlyn Irish of the 96th LRS Vehicle Management Flight. "We’ve not only revamped an old fire station into a renovated facility but also strategically enhanced our capabilities to better serve the base and surrounding areas."

The 96th LRS maintains the largest firetruck fleet in the Air Force, boasting 34 assets covering Eglin base proper to Okaloosa Island and the entire 96th Test Wing range. The new fire truck maintenance facility is now closer to two centrally located flightline fire stations, bringing the maintenance shop closer to the action, optimizing response times, and improving equipment performance.

“This transition signifies a new chapter for the 96th LRS Vehicle Management Flight, reaffirming Eglin AFB's commitment to excellence in mission support and operational readiness.” Irish said.

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